CSSP supports political and community leaders in transforming their conflicts through mediation and dialogue processes, facilitated by insider-outsider mediation teams.


CSSP – Berlin Center for Integrative Mediation

CSSP’s mission is to assist community leaders in post-crisis areas to resolve their inter-community conflicts through dialog, trust-building, and negotiation, using the principles and tools of Integrative Mediation. CSSP advocates for peaceful conflict resolution and capacity-building based on systemic problem-solving, non-discrimination, and participatory processes.


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Our projects

Bosnia & Herzegovina

In a heavily ethnicised everyday life in post Dayton - Dayton Agreement (Dejtonski Mirovni Sporazum) - Bosnia and Herzegovina, CSSP a) proposes activities aimed at strengthening local actors’ potential in attaining quality dialogue in society and b) imparts knowledge and skills in mediation and alternative conflict resolution methods.

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Kosovo’s recent history put a spotlight on the issues of human rights violations, on state building from scratch, and on the rights of diverse communities living in one society. CSSP opened its permanent office in 2009.

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Since 2017, Albania has been going through a substantial reform of the judiciary system. The improvement of judiciary quality and efficiency is one of the main pillars of Albania’s path to European integration. In July 2022, the negotiation process for Albania's membership to the European Union was officially launched.


Regional Component

In addition to projects in the particular countries, CSSP aims to strengthen the rule of law and access to justice through supporting the cooperation among mediation and justice systems and the use of mediation as an extrajudicial dispute resolution tool at regional level.


Highlights & News

CSSP celebrated mediation in Albania on July 3, 2023!

In the presence of the Minister of Justice Mr. Ulsi Manja, the Chairwoman of the High Judicial Council, Mrs. Naureda Llagami, the Austrian Ambassador in Albania, Mr. Christian Steiner, and the Chairwoman of the National Chamber of Mediators, Mrs. Drita Avdyli, the Executive Director of CSSP, Mr. Christoph Lüttmann explained our joint work to strengthen the mediation system in Albania, conducted since 2018.

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Have a look at this, please!

Multitrack Peace Mediation Course 2025/26

Together with inmedio, CSSP announces its MULTITRACK PEACE MEDIATION COURSE 2025/26.

It's a fifteen-day training course on pace mediation with a focus on peacebuilding and development cooperation. realised in three modules in Berlin, Germany:

Module 1: July 14-18, 2025

Module 2: October 13-17

Module 2: February 9-13, 2026

Additional Module IV (for certification and pot. licensing in Germany): date tbc

We are thankful for further sharing & distribution. Please feel free to contact us if you should have any question on the course.

For more information, please download the leaflet by clicking the following picture/link:

Call for Applications: Two Finance Officers in Albania

We are looking for two Finance Officers in Albania:
one 100%-position to support the CSSP-team in Albania, and
one 50%-position to support our partner, the National Chamber of Mediators (NCM).

To download the first job offer (100%) please click HERE

To download the second job offer (50%) please click HERE


CITIES IN DIVISION - Building Peace?

This CSSP video gives insights into the dynamic of the challenging everyday life in Mostar and Mitrovica as well as into how we can encourage positive changes and contribute to the construction of peace. It was created in cooperation with the Nansen Dialogue Centre Mostar and the Alternative Dispute Resolution Center - Mediation Center Mitrovica; it premiered at the Geneva Peace Week 2020 on November 2, 2020.

You find it in the Digital Series section of GPW 2020 – A NEW VISION FOR PEACEMAKING by clicking the following link:


War in the Ukraine - Do negotiations stand a chance?

Witnessing the Ukraine having been attacked with a full scale war by Russia, learning every day about attrocities, understanding even though the war is in Ukraine but not only about Ukraine, with a heavy layer of confrontation betwenn Russia and "the West", we as a peace mediation organisation, our colleagues and friends are repeatedly asked: do negotiations make any sense in this context?
Honestly, it's a fair, crucial and controversial question, one which also turned circles in our minds and one which we jointly exchanged on within the Initiative Mediation Support Germany. We came up with 10 points related to this question for further reflection and exchange which you can read
by clicking the following link:


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