Please contact us

While our main office is in Berlin, please also see the contact information of our colleagues in our project countries.


Please add 1 and 4.

* Pflichtfeld


CSSP HQ Berlin
Großbeerenstraße 13A
10963 Berlin

030 / 40 00 65 1-0

Bosnia and Herzegovina

CSSP country office Sarajevo
Branilaca Sarajeva Str 10
71000 Sarajevo

CSSP field office Mostar
c/o NDC Mostar office
Alekse Šantića / Tvrtka Miloša Str 19
88000 Mostar


CSSP country office Pristina
Fehmi Agani Str 168/5
10000 Pristina
+383 (0) 44 581 589

CSSP field office Mitrovica
Filip Višnjić Str n/n
40000 Mitrovica
+383 (0) 44 547 705


CSSP country office Tirana
Astrit Sulejman Balluku Str 2/3, Fl. V, Ap. 13
1001 Tirana
+355 (0) 69 322 1314

Our donors