Buckow (Neukölln)
The goal of the “Dialog creates a neighborhood” project (“Dialog schafft Nachbarschaft”) is to promote neighborhood community in the environs of the refugee accommodations located in Gerlinger Strasse in the Berlin locality of Buckow. The project aims to achieve this goal through dialog and mediation by establishing a space for residents’ wishes and concerns to be heard and for creative solutions to be found. The focus is on exchanging ideas and meeting neighbors face to face, including, but not limited to, the accommodations in Gerlinger Strasse.
A further objective is to strengthen neighborhood networks so that they are primarily able to take action independently and mediate in the event of problems of conflicts. Conflict mediators from the neighborhood are also to be trained for this purpose. Working through dialog is intended to prevent problems from developing into major conflicts by jointly resolving them as they arise based on solid support.